Bit-xor clojure
Oct 16, 2020 · The standard library provides a specialization of std::bit_xor when T is not specified, which leaves the parameter types and return type to be deduced. bit_xor
(:refer-clojure:exclude [max min * - + > >= < <= bit-and bit-xor]) (:require [clojure.core.matrix :as m] [cortex.tensor :as tensor] [think.datatype.core :as dtype])) (defn max " Takes an input tensor and returns the max of x or the value given, mutates the output tensor and returns it " ([output max-value] (max output output max-value Cheatsheet Clojure 1.10 Cheat Sheet (v49) Download PDF version / Source repo. Many thanks to Steve Tayon for creating it and Andy Fingerhut for ongoing maintenance. bit-and bit-or bit-xor bit-not bit-flip bit-set bit-shift-right bit-shift-left bit-and-not bit-clear bit-test unsigned-bit-shift-right reference: Clojure cheatsheet , Cheatsheet with tooltips , ClojureScript source function/macro: since v0.0-927: clojure.core/bit-or: (bit-or x y) (bit-or x y & more) bit-xor function clojure.core Bitwise exclusive or. boolean function clojure.core Coerce to boolean. boolean-array function clojure.core Creates an array of booleans. booleans function clojure.core Casts to boolean[].
Returns true … Feb 23, 2021 bit-and bit-or bit-xor bit-not bit-flip bit-set bit-shift-right bit-shift-left bit-and-not bit-clear bit-test unsigned-bit-shift-right reference: Clojure cheatsheet , Cheatsheet with tooltips , ClojureScript source @@ -0,0 +1,137 @@ (ns cortex.tensor.operations" tensor operations with syntatic sugar " (:refer-clojure:exclude [max min * - + > >= < <= bit-and bit-xor])(:require [clojure.core.matrix :as m][cortex.tensor :as tensor] [think.datatype.core :as dtype])) (defn max" Takes an input tensor and returns the max of x or the value given, mutates the output tensor and returns it " In Clojure, such infinite matrix can be represented as an infinite lazy sequence of infinite lazy sequences, where the inner sequences represent rows. Write a function that accepts 1, 3 and 5 arguments with the argument f, it returns the infinite matrix A that has the entry in the i-th row and the j-th column equal to f(i,j) for i,j = 0,1,2, I am working with bit strings in clojure. My question is less about performance and more about how one should go about it (in particular see the last inlined version) (Integer/numberOfTrailingZeros low-bit))) (bit-xor bits low-bit))))) this is the main function. nil is a possible value of any data type in Clojure. nil has the same value as Java null.
Clojure - Bitwise Operators - Groovy provides four bitwise operators. Following are the bitwise operators available in Groovy. bit-xor. This is the bitwise “xor
The Clojure conditional system is based around nil and false, with nil and false representing the values of logical falsity in conditional tests - anything else is logical truth. Signed 64 bit integers for Clojure (Script). Function names and behaviour follow clojure conventions, e.g.
what i was trying to do is first combine both lists, convert the combination to a set to remove the duplicates, then pass the mess back to its self and check to see if the first element of the combined collection are in both input lists.
I was curious about 18 Feb 2009 How to short-circuit XOR; gotcha. Posted Feb 19, 2009 16:42 UTC (Thu) by Max. Hyre (subscriber, #1054) [Link].
Supported functions by namespace ClojureScript API. Welcome! This is a comprehensive reference for ClojureScript's syntax, standard library, and compiler API. See the Cheatsheet for quick reference Based on Primitive Math by Zach Tellman several operators are introduced and replace clojure.core functions. All operators are macros and can't be used as functions.
2. [seed]. 3. {:state (bit-xor seed 0x5deece66d)}). 4. 5 (defn next-int. 6.
A few new functions have been added too, notably long? and bit-rotate-left. Supported functions by namespace I am trying to write a clojure code which generates an Image with each pixel of image having a value of XOR of its x and y co-ordinates but I am getting a NullpointerException. When Clojure starts, it searches for files named 'data_readers.clj' and 'data_readers.cljc' at the root of the classpath. Usage: (bit-xor x y) (bit-xor x y & more Brought to you by Zachary Kim..
Function names and behaviour follow clojure conventions, e.g. bit-xor not just xor. A few new functions have been added too, notably long? and bit-rotate-left.
The Clojure conditional system is based around nil and false, with nil and false representing the values of logical falsity in conditional tests - anything else is logical truth. Brought to you by Zachary Kim.. Tweet Signed 64 bit integers for Clojure (Script). Function names and behaviour follow clojure conventions, e.g. bit-xor not just xor.
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In the process of doing this, I was struck by all the bit-functions — of the ~600 vars and functions in clojure.core, there are 12 specifically for bitwise operations. Binary Fundamentals A quick overview on binary:
Supported functions by namespace I am trying to write a clojure code which generates an Image with each pixel of image having a value of XOR of its x and y co-ordinates but I am getting a NullpointerException. When Clojure starts, it searches for files named 'data_readers.clj' and 'data_readers.cljc' at the root of the classpath. Usage: (bit-xor x y) (bit-xor x y & more Brought to you by Zachary Kim.. Tweet May 31, 2020 · XOR of text is calculated by first converting each character into it's equivalent ASCII character code. The same process is applied to each line of the input until all that remains are decimal numbers. These numbers are then converted into binary and bitwise XOR is applied on them. The final output is again converted back to ASCII for you to see.
(bit-xor (.valueOf o) 0) (nil? o) 0:else (bit-xor (-hash o) 0))) (defn hash-combine [seed hash]; a la boost (bit-xor seed (+ hash 0x9e3779b9 (bit-shift-left seed 6) (bit-shift-right seed 2)))) (defn ^boolean instance? " Evaluates x and tests if it is an instance of the type: c. Returns true …
Function code @ clojurescript:src/main/ cljs/cljs/core.cljs.
This is the bitwise “xor See full list on In the process of doing this, I was struck by all the bit-functions — of the ~600 vars and functions in clojure.core, there are 12 specifically for bitwise operations.